Wednesday WoRd PoW

Wednesday WoRd PoW

Welcome to the new weekly installment for my blog! WoRd PoW stands for Writing, Reading, Doing, Playing, and Watching. The D isn’t capitalized because sometimes there’s isn’t much else going on in my life that isn’t one of the other four.

Once a week I will post about the things I’m currently into. What I’m working on in my writing, what book I’m reading or just finished, what games I’m playing, and shows/movies I’m watching.

I’m really excited to do this, and I’d love to know what your WoRd PoW of the week is. I’m always looking for new things to do. 🙂

So this week in Writing: This is the last week of CampNaNo. It did not go well this month. There were two birthdays and a surgery over the last four weeks. NaNo always falls at a busy time for me. Camp will happen again in June, but that month will be super busy as well, so I won’t be participating. I added about 5000 words to my Work In Progress and that was it. Not great, but every word helps. I plan on doing better in the weeks to come so I’ll have weekly word count updates here.

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Reading: I’m finishing up The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett. It’s been a slow read, not because it isn’t good, I’m just easily distracted and there are parts that I just wasn’t into. It’s a very funny book and I’ll probably have to reread it and the previous book, The Color of Magic to appreciate it more. I’m positive I’ll finish the rest of the series this year.


Doing: My youngest turned four this month and it’s hit me that I still treat him like a baby. It’s a common failing among mothers, we just don’t want them to grow up and become annoying teenagers. 😀 So I’ve started the process of transitioning him from a sippy cup to a regular cup and soon we’ll begin potty training. Just yesterday I found this great cup to help with the transition. It doesn’t have a spout but it is spill proof. Not a sponsor, but if you want to check it out, here’s a link Miracle® 360° Cup – 10oz

Playing: I’m always playing Minecraft, it’s a life style. 😀 This past weekend I streamed with my brother, PilchPlays and we had a great time Saturday night when a Wither Boss got loose in our beautiful Nether Hub. It was a fun and intense fight. Watch it here! The fun begins around the 1:11:00 mark. PilchPlays YouTube.

MC Wither2
That’s the Wither Boss about to blow Pilch (the face in the corner) away. ;P


79409Watching: There is a new series that’s airing on Crunchyroll right now called Bungo Stray Dogs, that I’m really enjoying. It’s about a group of supernaturally gifted people who tackle issues that the police or military can’t handle. From what I’ve discovered after some research, most of the characters are based on famous writers and their respective works or characters. Since the main characters are all Japanese, I don’t know any of them, but the concept really intrigues me. I’m three episodes in and I really like it. The humor is great, the animation is good and there is a healthy dose of violence. I’m excited to see where it goes.

Thanks for dropping by! Leave a comment telling me what your WoRd PoW is this week. Have a great week!