WoRd PoW! #12: Words, Meetings, Colors, Cards & Movies

WoRd PoW! #12: Words, Meetings, Colors, Cards & Movies

Well, I meant to update this every week in November, but as per usual, that didn’t happen. But, hey, we’re here now, so let’s talk about the things we love! 🙂


nanowrimo_2016_webbanner_participantWRITING: NaNo was good this year. I didn’t make it to 50,000 words but I did get 29,116. That’s more than half and better than I’ve done in previous years. But really, the take away from this was that I still really love my story and there was no way I was going to be able to write the entire thing in a month, much less in 50,000 words. With all the words I did write, I’m not even half way through the story. I have no idea how long this is going to be, but it was liberating to just write.

I’ve had problems in the past where I over think every word choice and every scene. But I feel I truly let go of that this month. I just wrote whatever came to mind, even if I cringed while I wrote it and knew I’d have to change it, or kill the words, later. It didn’t matter, November was all about getting the words out of my head and onto the page.

That was a lot easier to do with my handy dandy AlphaSmart. I love this thing. *Hugs little keyboard*


READING: Two notable things here: 1) I finished Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. I think this was one of my favorites of his. I’ve mentioned this before in my other reviews of Gaiman’s work, but sometimes I feel really disconnected from his characters and stories. It’s not always a bad feeling, but I’m used to being very sucked in to a story and sometimes reading Gaiman feels like a short drug trip that leaves me bewildered by the end.

Well, that wasn’t a problem with Neverwhere. This was pretty solid for me and the characters and world felt real and interesting. I enjoyed it a lot.

And the other cool reading thing is that I got to meet Brandon Sanderson last week! img_6870  I love his books, I love his writing style, world building, characters, everything. He’s a genius and I just want to crawl around in his head and figure out how he does it so well.

Anyway, I got to meet him and get a few books of his signed. I brought along my copy of Mistborn and ended up buying two new books. The one he was touring to promote Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection and an older one I’ve been meaning to read (an am currently devouring) Warbreaker. Sanderson is such a cool and nice guy. I ended up being near the end of the line and it was close to 11:30 by the time I got to him but he still smiled and talked to me even though he must have been exhausted.

I told him he was a big inspiration for me and then mentioned that I should be finishing up my NaNo. He said he needed to finish his too and then told me to go back to writing. 😀 I walked out of there glowing. 😀 Now one of the major things on my Bucket List, after getting published, is to become well known enough that I can be actual friends with the man. *sigh* A girl can dream. 😉


DOING: Well besides the usual Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas stuff, I found this fun little app called Colorify. It’s basically a digital adult coloring book with tons of different designs, patterns and mandalas. Here’s some of my better ones.

It’s really relaxing and a little easier than actual coloring with pencils and paper, since I can do it while laying in bed.


PLAYING: Hearthstone came out with a new expansion last week called Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. I’ve been playing a lot over the last few days. It’s a fun expansion with over 130 cards. I don’t have many yet since I only had the gold I’ve been hoarding over the last month. But I managed to get two dozen packs the first day and enough dust to craft a few extra cards.logo

This expansion introduces a few new card mechanics and combos, like being able to buff minions while they’re still in your hand, or summon a small minion that gets bigger every time it’s summoned, or being able to create your own spells. It’s very fun to play around with.


WATCHING: I recently discovered that my local library actually has a decent selection of DVD’s available. I picked up a few the other day, including Jane Got A Gun and Tales of Earthsea.

220px-gedo6snJane Got A Gun was fantastic. A tiny bit slow at times, but totally worth it in the end.

Tales of Earthsea was beautiful. Of course, it’s Studio Ghibli, they can’t do ugly. But, I felt like there’s a lot of the story I was missing. It made me desperate to read the book so I could understand it all. Earthsea has been on my To Read list for a long time. I’ll put it at the top now and find it after I finish Warbreaker.


Well, that’s what I’ve been up to the last couple weeks. What have you been, or will be, Writing, Reading, Doing, Playing or Watching? Leave a comment so we can squeal about the things we love! Thanks for dropping by!

NaNoWriMo Update!

NaNoWriMo Update!

Well, we are half way through the month so I guess it’s time to tell you how my 50,000 words in 30 days journey is going so far.

I’m currently sitting at 18,162 words. Now, ideally, I should be at 26,672 words by the end of today. Soooo, I’m about 8500 words behind at the moment. But there is a very good reason for this, I got super sick last week. I managed to pump out a few hundred words Tuesday, and at that time I was a little ahead on my word count, but as the day wore on I felt worse and worse. I was sick for a couple days and then spent the weekend recovering, so I lost 4 days of writing.

For me to catch up and finish on time I either need to write those 8500 missing words today or strive for 2123 words/day for the rest of the month.

My plan is to just write as many words as humanly possible every day. Since I’m not going to be home for a couple days around Thanksgiving, I’d really like to create a little wiggle room before then.

It’s times like these when my mild insomnia comes in handy. I’m writing this post at 5 AM and I’ve been up since 4:30; thanks head cold/tension headache.

So that’s where I’m at right now. I’ll update y’all again next week. But if you want to keep up with me on a more day to day basis, come follow me on Twitter @KricketKonfess.

Thanks for dropping by!


WoRd PoW! #11: It’s That Time Again

WoRd PoW! #11: It’s That Time Again



WRITING: Well, as you might have noticed I didn’t do my October writing challenge. But have no fear! Nano is here! I’ve been doing this 50,000 words in 30 days challenge off and on for 6 years. Only won once, back in 2013, but that doesn’t stop me from trying.

20161031_125751I feel really good about this year. I have this new dragon project I’m really excited about and, with both kids in school, I have a couple hours every morning to write. At my best I can do about 1000 words/minute.



Tiny confession, I may, or may not, have started writing this novel a week ago. And I may or may not include those words into my Nano total. I’m pretty sure I can do the 50k in 30 days but I’ve got a little buffer if I fall behind. 😉


READING: So I’ve read a couple books this last month. Here’s a quick list of what I’ve read and my star rating:

13638125 5 Stars  18739426 5 Stars  20764879 5 Stars

Currently I’m reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. And up next I’ve got Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson and Lindsey Stirling’s memoir The Only Pirate at the Party. I’ll do my usual full review of those in the coming weeks. If you want a full review of the 3 books I missed, leave a comment to let me know. 🙂


14568122_10101485182619388_5090967211692125511_nDOING: Well it is Halloween and it’s been a fun weekend. We made the boy’s costumes because what the boys wanted was pretty specific. William is a Wither Boss from Minecraft and Jacob is a spinosaurus. Not exactly costumes that you can find at Wal-Mart. We like using cardboard, duck tape and felt.

We also went to our church trunk-or-treat Saturday night and Daniel decked his, already, Jurassic Park themed car to look like an open dinosaur mouth, complete with roaring dinosaur noises. Excuse me while I brag a moment, but we all got awards. Jacob got Scariest Costume, William was Best Overall and Daniel’s bug got Best Trunk. Daniel deserves all the credit, he’s the one that put everything together.


thrall319PLAYING: Well of course I’m still playing far too much Hearthstone. I’ve been working hard to build the good decks that can compete in Ranked mode. The highest I’ve gotten is 13th with 2 out of 4 stars. That’s out of 25 levels, by the way. It’s tough because I’m still missing one card in my top deck.

I haven’t played Minecraft in over a month. But I’m excited for the 1.11 update to come out. The new hostile mobs and the llamas sound awesome.


love_26_friendship_posterWATCHING: I’ve been in a period piece mood lately, so I checked out the Amazon Original Love & Friendship. It’s based off a Jane Austen novella and it was great fun. All the characters are so ridiculous and crazy, but, as is typical with all of Austen’s work, everyone gets their happy ending. It was an enjoyable little movie to watch.


So that’s what I’ve been up to this last month. I will be updating this once a week throughout November so you can have updates on my Nano progress. If you want more day-to-day updates you should follow me on Twitter (link).

What have you been Writing, Reading, Doing, Playing and/or Watching? Leave a comment and let’s share the things we love! Thanks for dropping by!

NaNoWriMo In October?

I talk about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) at least once a year. Normally, this awesome event, where I try to write 50,000 words in 30 days, takes place in November. But, that never works well for me. November always ends up being crazy, what with William’s birthday and Thanksgiving and traveling, plus there’s always some sickness sweeping through the house at that time of year. I’ve only “completed” NaNo once or twice, and both times, I kind of, sort of, cheated. Soooo, yeah…

To change things up a bit I thought I’d do a personal NaNo type thing for October. The goal is to just get me writing everyday. So I’m not going to try for 50,000 words in a month, instead I’m setting the bar really low at 30,000. If you do the math, 30,000/31 is about 968 words/day. That sounds a little easier to manage than 1667 words/day.

So my plan is to start working on my new Dragon WIP on Oct. 1. I will count those words and the words I write for my blog in my total word count. I guess this month will be less about writing an entire novel and more about making the time to sit down and write every day.

So… Can I really call it NaNoWriMo? What about National Writing Daily Month? NaWriDaMo? If you say it with a lot of excitement it sounds like Geronimo! I like it 🙂 It’s all about those baby steps sometimes.


I’ve drawn out this cute little tracker in my Bullet Journal for NaWriDaMo. I’ve done one of these in the past but I figured I should have a fresh one for this new little project. If all goes well I’ll write a lot more than 30,000 words by the end of the month. It’s a game now to see how quickly I can get to 30,000.

That’s the plan for October. This way I’ll actually have something worth saying in my Writing section of WoRd PoW for the next month.

Feel free to join me on this little adventure! It’s always better to do stuff with friends. 🙂

Thanks for dropping by!

WoRd PoW #10: Squirrels & Dragons

WoRd PoW #10: Squirrels & Dragons

It’s been a pretty average week.


aid596842-728px-outline-a-novel-step-7-version-2WRITING: I’ve been very busy outlining my new WIP. I’ve got the first couple chapters planned out in pretty good detail. Now I just have to decide which way I want the main conflict to go. I’ve got the set up and I know how I want it to end but there are a lot of ways to get from point A to point Z.


READING: Soooo… I kind of lost my book for like a week. It ended up behind the couch and I only found it yesterday. Thus, no reading has happened. I’ll finish Vicious this week.


DOING: Honestly, not much has been going on this week. Even though we had a three day weekend because of Labor Day, we just stayed home and chilled.

On Saturday we did take the boys to see their first movie in the theater, Pete’s Dragon…(see the WATCHING section)


PLAYING: I finished a big project on Minecraft. Over on Bruno’s Realm on the white listed Nether Ender Server, I previously built my self an acorn house. I’ve now put a gigantic squirrel on top of it.complete-squirrel

It took a few days total to come up with and finalize the design. After playing around in creative for a while, I got it how I wanted it and then I spent a couple hours graphing out every layer on graph paper.

Layers 1-6


It was totally worth the effort because I was able to build it in survival in a few hours.

Definitely the coolest thing I’ve built in Minecraft. 🙂


WATCHING: I’ve only ever seen bits and pieces of the original, animated Pete’s Dragon and it was a rough movie. But this new one is fantastic!

636062680454150595-reel-1ab-grd057-0019558The whole family enjoyed it. The little boy who played Pete was great and Elliot the dragon looks amazing. He’s basically a big green dog with wings.

The beginning of the movie is very sad, William, who’s six, was pretty upset at first. SPOILER! (highlight if you want to see it) Pete and his parents get in a car wreck and his parents die. That’s how he ends up lost and alone in the woods. I had to reassure William that everything would be OK, because look! Now Pete has a dragon for a best friend.

The only other slightly negative thing is that the antagonist seems almost over the top. Like he’s riding that line between being a normal Disney villain and a Disney Channel Original Movie villain, if you know what I mean.

Beyond those two things, this movie was great and the boys really enjoyed it. In fact Jacob got upset when we came home because we don’t already own the movie for him to watch again.


So that’s been my week. What have you been Writing, Reading, Doing, Playing or Watching? Tell me in the comments! Thanks for dropping by!